Dr. Anish Kumar Saha

Email: anishkumarsaha@cse.nits.ac.in
Date of Joining: June 2018
Academic Experiences: 13+ years


  • B.E. in CSE, 2008, National Institute of Technology Agartala.
  • M.Tech. in CSE, 2011, Tripura Central University.
  • Ph.D. in CSE, 2016, National Institute of Technology Arunachal Pradesh.


  • Assistant Professor (Grade-I), NIT Silchar, Jul 2022 to Till date.
  • Assistant Professor (Grade-II), NIT Silchar, Jun 2018 to Jul 2022.
  • Assistant Professor (AGP: 6000),  NIT Arunachal Pradesh, Oct 2012 to Jun 2018.
  • Assistant Professor, NIT Agartala, Aug 2011 to Oct 2012.


Quantum computing, Coding theory, Networking.


  1. Project title: “Graph theory & its heuristic algorithm in quantum annealing and computing”, Role- Principal Investigator, Sponsor- MeitY, Duration- 2023-2025 (24 months), Amount: $29,000, Status: Ongoing.


  1. N B Singh, A Roy, AK Saha, “Max-flow min-cut theorem in quantum computing”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, SCI, IF-2.8, 2024.
  2. Z Shamsi, L Waikhomb, AK Saha, R Patgiri, M F Singha, L D Singh, “Visually meaningful cipher data concealment”, Digital Signal Processing, Elsevier, SCI, IF-2.9, 2024.
  3. A Roy, JPachuau, G Krishna, AK Saha Applying Grover’s algorithm to implement various numerical and comparison operations“, Quantum Stud.: Math. Found(2024), IF-0.8.
  4. J Pachuau & A K Saha, “Generic conversion method for various spatial domain filters in quantum image processing”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2022, Volume 596, Elsevier, ISSN 0378-4371, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2022.127196. SCI, IF-3.778.
  5. J Pachuau, Prachurjya Kashyap, Amit Kumar, Rohit PaulPithuiliu ID, B Chandrakiran, S Debnath, A K Saha, “Segmentation of composite signal into harmonic Fourier expansion using genetic algorithm”, https://doi.org/10.1007/s41870-022-00944-7, International Journal of Information Technology, Springer, Scopus.
  6. J Pachuau, A Roy, & A K Saha, “Integer numeric multiplication using quantum Fourier transform”, Quantum Stud.: Math. Found. (2021), https://doi.org/10.1007/s40509-021-00262-w, Springer, IF-0.8.
  7. A Roy, J Pachuau, A K Saha, “An overview of queuing delay and various delay based algorithms in networks”, Computing Journal, Springer, Volume 103, issue 10, pp. 2361 – 2399, ISSN: 1436-5057, DOI:10.1007/s00607-021-00973-3, SCI, IF-3.7.
  8. J Pachuau, A Roy, G Krishna, A K Saha, “Estimation of Traffic matrix from links load using Genetic Algorithm”, Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, Volume 22, Issues 1, pp. 29–38, ISSN: 1895-1767, DOI 10.12694:/scpe.v22i1.1834, Scopus.
  9. S Debnath, B Bhuyan, A Saha, “Privacy Preserved Secured Outsourced Cloud Data Access Control Scheme with efficient Multi-authority Attribute Based Signcryption”, Multiagent and Grid Systems, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 409-432, 2020, ISSN: 1574-1702, DOI: 10.3233/MGS-200338, Scopus.
  10. A K Saha, K Sambyo & C Bhunia, “Energy efficient modeling of a network”, China Communications, 15, no. 1, pp. 107-117, Jan. doi: 10.1109/CC.2018.8290810, IEEE, ISSN: 1673-5447, SCIE, IF-4.1.
  11. A K Saha, K Sambyo & C Bhunia, “Design And Analysis of n:2n Reversible Decoder”, IETE, Journal Of Education, Taylor and Francis,  Vol-57, Issue-2, PP65-72, ISSN: 0974-7338, DOI: 1080/09747338.2016.1162672, 2016.
  12. K Sambyo, A K Saha & C Bhunia, “Mixed Path For Elephant Flow And Mice Flow For Delay Reduction In SDN”, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol-12, Issue-11, NOV 2017, PP 3057-3067, ISSN: 1823-4690, Scopus.
  13. K Sambyo, A K Saha & C Bhunia, “Node Skipping Routing”, Vol.85 (2015), pp.1-8, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, ISSN: 2005-4238.
  14. K Sambyo, A K Saha & C Bhunia, “Coding Header Compression”, Vol.84 (2015), pp.55-64, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, ISSN: 2005-4238
  15. K Sambyo, A K Saha & C Bhunia, “Analysis of APC and Code of Practice”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, pp 37935-37938, Volume 10, Number 17 (2015), ISSN 0973-4562, Scopus.


  1. A Roy, J Pachuau, A K Saha, “Qubit Representation of a Binary Tree and its Operations in Quantum Computation”, Principles of Big Graph: In Depth Insight, Volume-129, Advances in Computers, Elsevier, https://doi.org/10.1016/bs.adcom.2021.10.005, ISSN 0065-2458, 2022, SCI, IF-2.7.
  2. A K Saha, J Pachuau, A Roy and C Bhunia, “GA based Energy Efficient Modelling of a Wireless Sensor Network”, Principles of Big Graph: In Depth Insight, Elsevier, Volume- 129, Advances in Computers, ISSN 0065-2458, https://doi.org/10.1016/bs.adcom.2021.10.009, 2022, SCI, IF-2.7.


  1. A. Roy, J. L. Pachuau, N. B. Singh and A. K. Saha, “Quantum Inspired Genetic Algorithm and Optimization of Queuing Delay”, IEEE TENCON-2024.
  2. A. D. Emon, P. C. Roy, L. D. Singh, and A. K. Saha, “Combining Haar transform and row-column directional RLE in image compression,” 2023 Eighth International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC), Manado, Indonesia, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICIC60109.2023.10382031.
  3. J. L. Pachuau, N. B. Singh, L. D. Singh and A. K. Saha, “Solving Dense Subgraph Problems Using Genetic Algorithm,” TENCON 2023 – 2023 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2023, pp. 674-679, doi: 10.1109/TENCON58879.2023.10322484 (Rank-C).
  4. Z. Shamsi, A. K. Saha, R. Patgiri, K. M. Singh and L. D. Singh, “Steganalysis on Dual-Layer Security of Messages Using Steganography and Cryptography,” 2023 15th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE), Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2023, pp. 264-269, doi: 10.1109/ICITEE59582.2023.10317684.
  5. N Singh, G Krishna, A Roy, J Pachuau and A K Saha, “An experimental study on binary optimization using quantum annealing in D-Wave,” 2022 Seventh International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC), Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia, 2022, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICIC56845.2022.10007004.
  6. J Pachuau, A Roy, A K Saha, “An overview of crossover techniques in Genetic Algorithm”, International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Optimization 2020, PP-581-598, NIT Silchar, doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-9829-6_46, Scopus Indexed.
  7. A Kumar, R Bharti, D Gupta, A K Saha, “Improvement in Boosting Method by Using RUSTBoost Technique for Class Imbalanced Data”, Recent Developments in Machine Learning and Data Analytics. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 740, PP-51-66,  Springer (AISC volume 740), Doi. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1280-9_5, Scopus Indexed.
  8. A K Saha, K Sambyo & C Bhunia, “Topology Discovery, Loop Finding and Alternative Path Solution in POX Controller”, Proceedings of the 24th International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2016, Vol II, IMECS 2016, March 16 – 18, 2016, Hong Kong, Scopus.
  9. A K Saha, K Sambyo & C Bhunia, “Integration of DVFS and Multi CPUs scaling in a multi processor”, International IEEE Conference on Electronic Design, Computer Networks and Automated Verification, Vol-01, PP-78-81, 29-30th January 2015, NIT Meghalaya, DOI: 10.1109/EDCAV.2015.7060543, Scopus.
  10. A K Saha, K Sambyo & C Bhunia, “Introduction to Software Defined Networking, its Features and Programming Structures”, 2nd Research Summit on CEEE(Computer, Electronics and Electrical Engineering), NIT Arunachal Pradesh, 3-4 June 2016. Organized by R & D Cell, NIT Yupia, India.


  1. Edited Book, “Intelligent Computing Systems and Applications”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference, ICICSA 2023, Springer, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-5412-0.


  1. Invited Speaker, “FDP on Quantum Computing in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Using Qiskit”, GMR Institute of Technology and Andra University College of Engineering, 3rd – 7th March, 2025.
  2. Invited Speaker, “Online FDP on Quantum Computing: Algorithms and Applications”, Department of CSE, NIT Warangal, July 15-19, 2024.
  3. Invited Speaker, “Role of ICT for successful implementation of NEP-2020″, 2-9 Jan 2024, Govt. Degree College, Teliamura, Tripura.
  4. Invited Speaker, “Short Term Course on “Information and Communication Technology”, 5th to 11th September 2023, by HRDC Cell, Mizoram University.
  5. Invited Speaker, National e-Workshop on Linux Fundamentals, NWLF-2020, 3-8th December 2020, Department of Information Technology, Women’s College, Agartala.
  6. Invited Speaker, International Webinar on “Barrier and Elucidation of Academic Activities and Various Schemes in Education System”, Organized by Dept. of IT, Rabindranath Thakur Mahavidyala”, Govt. of Tripura, India, 08/09/2020.
  7. Invited Speaker, “International Webinar on Application of ICT in Higher Education During COVID-19 Pandemic”, IGNOU Agartala and Govt. Degree College Kamalpur India, Date-02/09/2020.


  1. B Bhuyan, S Debnath, A K Saha, and L D Singh, “A SIGNCRYPTION BASED OUTSOURCED DATA ACCESS CONTROL (SBODAC) SYSTEM”. German Patent No: 202024101365, Publication  No: DE202024101365U1, Date of Publication: 08/05/2024, Patent file date: 19/03/2024.


  1. Organizing chair, 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computing Systems and Applications (ICICSA-2023) http://icicsa.nits.ac.in/, Sept 22-23, 2023.
  2. Publicity Chair, 3rd International Conference on Modeling, Simulations and Optimizations (CoMSO 2022), 21-23 Dec 2022, NIT Silchar. URL: http://comso.nits.ac.in
  3. Co-coordinator, FDPs on PM`s GatiShakti Thrust Areas on “Digital Supply Chain”, from 10/10/2022 to 21/10/2022, Fund: 3Lakhs.
  4. Publication chair, International Conference on Intelligent Computing Systems and Applications (ICICSA-2022)http://icicsa.nits.ac.in/, Sept 23-24, 2022.
  5. Convenor, “Two days Workshop on Researches on Embedded System and Security”, 13-14 Dec 2021, Organized by: Inter-Subsection Relations of IEEE Silchar Subsection, NIT Silchar
  6. Finance Chair, International Conference on “Big Data, Machine Learning and Applications (BigDML 2021)”, 19-20 Dec. NIT Silchar, Url http://bigdml.nits.ac.in/
  7. Publicity Chair, 2nd International Conference on Modeling, Simulations and Optimizations (CoMSO 2021), 16-18 Dec 2021, NIT Silchar. URL: http://comso.nits.ac.in
  8. Poster and Workshop Chair, Frontiers of Research in Speech and Music (FRSM 2020), 8-9th October 2020, Conference, NIT Silchar, Url: http://frsm2020.nits.ac.in/
  9. Member, International Conference on Modeling, Simulations and Optimizations (CoMSO 2020), 3-5 August 2020, NIT Silchar. URL: http://comso.nits.ac.in
  10. Publicity Chair, 26th annual International Conference on “Advanced Computing and Communications (ADCOM 2020)”, 26-28 August 2020, Url: adcom.nits.ac.in/index.html/
  11. Finance and Hospitality Chair, International Conference on “Big Data, Machine Learning and Applications (BigDML 2019)”, 16-19th December, NIT Silchar, Url http://bigdml.nits.ac.in/


  • Arnab Roy(19-3-5-106), Full-time Ph.D., NIT Silchar, 2019-Ongoing, Thesis Submitted.
  • Joseph L Pachuau(19-3-5-105), Full-time Ph.D., NIT Silchar, 2019-Ongoing, Synopsis done.
  • N BrajaBidhu Singh (21302052), Full-time PhD, NIT Silchar, 2021-Ongoing, Registration Done.
  • Gopal Krishna(20-3-05-118), Part-time Ph.D., NIT Silchar, 2020-Ongoing, Registration Done.
  • Arpan, Anguka, M.Tech(CSE), NIT Silchar, 2024-ongoing.
  • add btech students 2024


  • Rohit Kumar Singh (2222107), “Feature Extraction of Hand Gesture Using Wavelets”, Dept. of CSE, M.Tech AI, 2024.
  • Title: “Enhancing the Performance of Mean Photon Number of Gaussian Boson Sampling”, Bhaben Khakhlari (PG 2122210), Dept. of CSE, NIT Silchar, 2023
  • Title: “Study and exploration of flow rule aggregation and creation scheme for avoiding overflow in SDN”, K Anand Kr Singh (1825109), Dept. of CSE, NIT Silchar, 2020.
  • Title: “Energy efficient optimization approach in WSN using multicast forwarding scheme in 6LowPAN environment”, Dept. of CSE, NIT Arunachal Pradesh, 2018.
  • Title: “Principles Of  Segment Routing And SDN Applications”, Dept. of CSE, NIT Arunachal Pradesh, 2017.


  • D Gupta (2012146), VK Vikrant (2012135), A Raj (2012125), “Design and development of digital logic gates using quantum dot cellular automata”, CSE-2024.
  • PC Roy (2012167), AD Emon (2012168), SI Shuvo (2012163), “Advanced Image Denoising through Combined Directional Wavelet based NLM and BM3D technique”, CSE -2024.
  • S Chowdhury(1912002), D Mahamood(1912061), P Laskar(1912081), Y Maharia(1912086), “Low Contrast Image Optimization using Genetic Algorithm”, NIT Silchar, CSE-2023.
  • S P Sarmah (1912115), T Sarma(1912171), H K agarwal(1912175), Title: “An Empirical Comparison of Meta-heuristic Algorithms for Query Optimization in RDBMS: A Cuckoo Search and Tabu Search Approach”, NIT Silchar, CSE 2023.
  • Title: “Estimation of Composite Signal using Genetic Algorithm”, NIT Silchar, CSE, 2022.
  • Title: “Estimation of PID coefficients using Genetic Algorithm”, NIT Silchar, CSE, 2022.
  • Title: “Study of various Quantum Algorithms and its possible implementation”, NIT Silchar, CSE, 2021.
  • Title: “Study Of Qubit, Superposition, Entanglement And Other Terms In Quantum Computation And Implementation Of Quantum Circuit Simulator”, NIT Silchar, CSE, 2020.
  • Title: “Lossless and Lossy Data Compression Techniques”, NIT Arunachal Pradesh, Dept. of CSE, 2018.
  • Title: “Quantum Simulation & Quantum Circuit Design”, NIT Arunachal Pradesh, Dept. of CSE, 2017.
  • Title: “Operations Research Management: An Optimization Techniques Simulator”, NIT Arunachal Pradesh, Dept. of CSE, 2016.
  • Title: “Packet forwarding techniques & study of OpenFlow in SDN”, NIT Arunachal Pradesh, Dept. of CSE, 2015.
  • Title: “Design and implementation of face recognition in E Attendance”, Dept. of CSE, NIT Arunachal Pradesh, 2014
  • Title: “Design and implementation of offline handwriting recognition system”, Dept. of CSE, NIT Arunachal Pradesh, 2014.


  • Information Theory and Coding-CS 1433 UG 7th Sem. Jul-Dec 2020, CS 1538 Ph.D. Year- Jul-Dec 2020, CS 5138 PG CSE Jul-Dec 2021, CS444 (UG 8th Sem Jan-May 2023), CS444 (UG 8th Sem Jan-May 2024).
  • Quantum Computing – UG 8th Semester(CS-1458), PG 2nd Semester(CS-1543), Ph.D., Year- Jan-Jun 2019, Jan-Jun 2021, CS 5143(PG 2nd Sem. Jan-May 2023).
  • Signals & Data Communication (CS1205, CS-207), B.Tech, 4th Semester, CSE, Year- Jan-Jun 2019, Jan-Jun 2020, Jan-Jun 2022.
  • Microprocessor & System Processing (CS1303), B.Tech, 5th Semester, CSE, Year- Jul-Dec 2018, Jul-Dec 2019.
  • Introduction to Programming (CS-1101), UG 1st Sem. CSE, Year-Jul-Dec 2018.
  • Optimization Techniques: CS 5242-M.Tech(AI) Year-Jul-Dec’21, Jul-Dec’22, M.Tech(AI) Jul-Dec’23, M.Tech in DSE CS-5503 Jan-May’24, M.Tech (AI) CS5242 Jul-Dec’24
  • Database management system, CS302 UG Jul-Dec’22, CS305 Jul-Dec’24.


  1. Session chair, International Conference on Intelligent Computing Systems and Applications (ICICSA-2023), http://icicsa.nits.ac.in/, Sept 22-23, 2023.
  2. Session chair, International Conference on Intelligent Computing Systems and Applications (ICICSA-2022), http://icicsa.nits.ac.in/, Sept 23-24, 2022.
  3. Session Chair, “1st International Conference on Machine Intelligence and System Sciences (MISS-2021)”, Tongmyong University, South Korea and Techno India, Agartala, 01-11-2021 and 02-11-2021.
  4. Session Chair, “The International Conference on Machine Intelligence and Signal Processing (MISP 2021)”, National Institute of Technology, Arunachal Pradesh, Date: 23-25 Sept. 2021
  5. Session Chair, “2nd International Conference on Computer Vision, High Performance Computing, Smart Devices and Networks(CHSN-2021)”, JNTU Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, Date: 20-21 Aug. 2021.
  6. Session Co-chair, “International Symposium on “Frontiers of Research in Speech and Music (FRSM-2020)”, NIT Silchar, Url: http://frsm2020.nits.ac.in/index.html, Date: 08-09 Oct. 2020.
  7. Session Chair, “26th (Virtual) annual International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications (ADCOM 2020)”, Dept. of CSE, NIT Silchar, Date: 16-18 Dec. 2020.
  8. Session Co-chairs, “International Conference on Modeling, Simulations and Optimizations (CoMSO 2020)”, Date: 3-5 Aug. 2020, NIT Silchar.


  • Faculty advisor, Jan-May 2024 6th sem, July-Dec 2023 5th Sem. B.Tech, July-Dec 2022 3rd sem B.Tech, Jan-Jun 2020 6th Semester B.Tech CSE.
  • Institute Annual Report Committee member, 2022-23.
  • DUPC ECE, External member, 2024-26.
  • DPC member. Oct’2023-Oct’2025
  • Lab In-Charge, CS-08 CSE, Date: 01-12-2021- Till date
  • DPC, Member Secretary, Sept’2021-Sept’2023.
  • DPPC member, Sept’2021-Sept’2023.
  • Departmental Library Incharge, 23-08-2021-Till Date
  • Member, Course Evaluation Forms, CSE, from 03.05.2019 to Till date.
  • Dept. Representative of  Annual Report Committee: 2019, 2020, 2023
  • Dept. NBA Committee member 2019, 2020.


  • Journals- Wireless personal communications (2023,2021) Physical Communications, CSI Transactions on ICT, ISSN: 2277-9078
  • Conferences-ISCON-2021 (AS TPC) https://www.gla.ac.in/iscon2019/,   ICCISIoT -2020 (as TPC). nita.ac.in/ICCISIoT2020/index.html,   SOCCER-2020 soccer2020.nits.ac.in/,   COMSO-2020 comso.nits.ac.in, FRSM 2020 frsm2020.nits.ac.in,    ISMS-2019 Tripura university, ICCISIoT-2019 NIT Agartala, December 13–14, 2019 (as TPC) BigDML-2019 bigdml.nits.ac.in


  • Indian Science Congress, Membership no: L22066.
  • Computer Society of India, Type: Associate, Membership ID: I1503683.
  • IEEE Membership (Electronic), Membership number: 92578485.
  • The Institution of Engineers (India), Membership No: M-1691125


  • NEC Merit Scholarship: Periods 2004-2008
  • Gate qualified.
  • TBJEE2004, PCM 69(UR), PCB 76(UR)
  • Best paper at the conference: ICIC-Aptikom 2022
  • Abroad visited: Indonesia (ICIC-Aptikom 2022, Bali), Thailand (TENCON-2023, Chiang Mai), Singapore (TENCON-2024).


  • Home Town: Agartala, Tripura
  • Schooling: Netaji Subhas Vidyaniketan, Higher Secondary Govt. School of Tripura, Agartala-799001.
  • Father: Late Ashim Kumar Saha, Mother: Mrs. Putul Saha, Wife: Mrs. Srirupa Poddar.
  • My Teachers: Sri Amitabha Saha, Prof. C T Bhunia, Dr. Biswajit Saha


(ad patt, ppr,  subj)