Phone: +91-7005345047
Date of Joining: June 2018
Academic Experiences: 13+ years
- B.E. in CSE, 2008, National Institute of Technology Agartala.
- M.Tech. in CSE, 2011, Tripura Central University.
- Ph.D. in CSE, 2016, National Institute of Technology Arunachal Pradesh.
- Assistant Professor (Grade-I), NIT Silchar, Jul 2022 to Till date.
- Assistant Professor (Grade-II), NIT Silchar, Jun 2018 to Jul 2022.
- Assistant Professor (AGP: 6000), NIT Arunachal Pradesh, Oct 2012 to Jun 2018.
- Assistant Professor, NIT Agartala, Aug 2011 to Oct 2012.
Quantum computing, Coding theory, Networking.
- Project title: “Graph theory & its heuristic algorithm in quantum annealing and computing”, Role- Principal Investigator, Sponsor- MeitY, Duration- 2023-2025 (24 months), Amount: $29,000, Status: Ongoing.
- N B Singh, A Roy, AK Saha, “Max-flow min-cut theorem in quantum computing”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, SCI, IF-2.8, 2024.
- Z Shamsi, L Waikhomb, AK Saha, R Patgiri, M F Singha, L D Singh, “Visually meaningful cipher data concealment”, Digital Signal Processing, Elsevier, SCI, IF-2.9, 2024.
- A Roy, JPachuau, G Krishna, AK Saha “Applying Grover’s algorithm to implement various numerical and comparison operations“, Quantum Stud.: Math. Found(2024), IF-0.8.
- J Pachuau & A K Saha, “Generic conversion method for various spatial domain filters in quantum image processing”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2022, Volume 596, Elsevier, ISSN 0378-4371, SCI, IF-3.778.
- J Pachuau, Prachurjya Kashyap, Amit Kumar, Rohit Paul, Pithuiliu ID, B Chandrakiran, S Debnath, A K Saha, “Segmentation of composite signal into harmonic Fourier expansion using genetic algorithm”,, International Journal of Information Technology, Springer, Scopus.
- J Pachuau, A Roy, & A K Saha, “Integer numeric multiplication using quantum Fourier transform”, Quantum Stud.: Math. Found. (2021),, Springer, IF-0.8.
- A Roy, J Pachuau, A K Saha, “An overview of queuing delay and various delay based algorithms in networks”, Computing Journal, Springer, Volume 103, issue 10, pp. 2361 – 2399, ISSN: 1436-5057, DOI:10.1007/s00607-021-00973-3, SCI, IF-3.7.
- J Pachuau, A Roy, G Krishna, A K Saha, “Estimation of Traffic matrix from links load using Genetic Algorithm”, Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, Volume 22, Issues 1, pp. 29–38, ISSN: 1895-1767, DOI 10.12694:/scpe.v22i1.1834, Scopus.
- S Debnath, B Bhuyan, A Saha, “Privacy Preserved Secured Outsourced Cloud Data Access Control Scheme with efficient Multi-authority Attribute Based Signcryption”, Multiagent and Grid Systems, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 409-432, 2020, ISSN: 1574-1702, DOI: 10.3233/MGS-200338, Scopus.
- A K Saha, K Sambyo & C Bhunia, “Energy efficient modeling of a network”, China Communications, 15, no. 1, pp. 107-117, Jan. doi: 10.1109/CC.2018.8290810, IEEE, ISSN: 1673-5447, SCIE, IF-4.1.
- A K Saha, K Sambyo & C Bhunia, “Design And Analysis of n:2n Reversible Decoder”, IETE, Journal Of Education, Taylor and Francis, Vol-57, Issue-2, PP65-72, ISSN: 0974-7338, DOI: 1080/09747338.2016.1162672, 2016.
- K Sambyo, A K Saha & C Bhunia, “Mixed Path For Elephant Flow And Mice Flow For Delay Reduction In SDN”, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol-12, Issue-11, NOV 2017, PP 3057-3067, ISSN: 1823-4690, Scopus.
- K Sambyo, A K Saha & C Bhunia, “Node Skipping Routing”, Vol.85 (2015), pp.1-8, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, ISSN: 2005-4238.
- K Sambyo, A K Saha & C Bhunia, “Coding Header Compression”, Vol.84 (2015), pp.55-64, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, ISSN: 2005-4238
- K Sambyo, A K Saha & C Bhunia, “Analysis of APC and Code of Practice”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, pp 37935-37938, Volume 10, Number 17 (2015), ISSN 0973-4562, Scopus.
- A Roy, J Pachuau, A K Saha, “Qubit Representation of a Binary Tree and its Operations in Quantum Computation”, Principles of Big Graph: In Depth Insight, Volume-129, Advances in Computers, Elsevier,, ISSN 0065-2458, 2022, SCI, IF-2.7.
- A K Saha, J Pachuau, A Roy and C Bhunia, “GA based Energy Efficient Modelling of a Wireless Sensor Network”, Principles of Big Graph: In Depth Insight, Elsevier, Volume- 129, Advances in Computers, ISSN 0065-2458,, 2022, SCI, IF-2.7.
- A. Roy, J. L. Pachuau, N. B. Singh and A. K. Saha, “Quantum Inspired Genetic Algorithm and Optimization of Queuing Delay”, IEEE TENCON-2024.
- A. D. Emon, P. C. Roy, L. D. Singh, and A. K. Saha, “Combining Haar transform and row-column directional RLE in image compression,” 2023 Eighth International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC), Manado, Indonesia, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICIC60109.2023.10382031.
J. L. Pachuau, N. B. Singh, L. D. Singh and A. K. Saha, “Solving Dense Subgraph Problems Using Genetic Algorithm,” TENCON 2023 – 2023 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2023, pp. 674-679, doi: 10.1109/TENCON58879.2023.10322484 (Rank-C).
Z. Shamsi, A. K. Saha, R. Patgiri, K. M. Singh and L. D. Singh, “Steganalysis on Dual-Layer Security of Messages Using Steganography and Cryptography,” 2023 15th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE), Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2023, pp. 264-269, doi: 10.1109/ICITEE59582.2023.10317684.
N Singh, G Krishna, A Roy, J Pachuau and A K Saha, “An experimental study on binary optimization using quantum annealing in D-Wave,” 2022 Seventh International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC), Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia, 2022, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICIC56845.2022.10007004.
- J Pachuau, A Roy, A K Saha, “An overview of crossover techniques in Genetic Algorithm”, International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Optimization 2020, PP-581-598, NIT Silchar,, Scopus Indexed.
- A Kumar, R Bharti, D Gupta, A K Saha, “Improvement in Boosting Method by Using RUSTBoost Technique for Class Imbalanced Data”, Recent Developments in Machine Learning and Data Analytics. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 740, PP-51-66, Springer (AISC volume 740), Doi., Scopus Indexed.
- A K Saha, K Sambyo & C Bhunia, “Topology Discovery, Loop Finding and Alternative Path Solution in POX Controller”, Proceedings of the 24th International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2016, Vol II, IMECS 2016, March 16 – 18, 2016, Hong Kong, Scopus.
- A K Saha, K Sambyo & C Bhunia, “Integration of DVFS and Multi CPUs scaling in a multi processor”, International IEEE Conference on Electronic Design, Computer Networks and Automated Verification, Vol-01, PP-78-81, 29-30th January 2015, NIT Meghalaya, DOI: 10.1109/EDCAV.2015.7060543, Scopus.
- A K Saha, K Sambyo & C Bhunia, “Introduction to Software Defined Networking, its Features and Programming Structures”, 2nd Research Summit on CEEE(Computer, Electronics and Electrical Engineering), NIT Arunachal Pradesh, 3-4 June 2016. Organized by R & D Cell, NIT Yupia, India.
- Edited Book, “Intelligent Computing Systems and Applications”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference, ICICSA 2023, Springer,
- Invited Speaker, “FDP on Quantum Computing in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Using Qiskit”, GMR Institute of Technology and Andra University College of Engineering, 3rd – 7th March, 2025.
- Invited Speaker, “Online FDP on Quantum Computing: Algorithms and Applications”, Department of CSE, NIT Warangal, July 15-19, 2024.
- Invited Speaker, “Role of ICT for successful implementation of NEP-2020″, 2-9 Jan 2024, Govt. Degree College, Teliamura, Tripura.
- Invited Speaker, “Short Term Course on “Information and Communication Technology”, 5th to 11th September 2023, by HRDC Cell, Mizoram University.
- Invited Speaker, National e-Workshop on Linux Fundamentals, NWLF-2020, 3-8th December 2020, Department of Information Technology, Women’s College, Agartala.
- Invited Speaker, International Webinar on “Barrier and Elucidation of Academic Activities and Various Schemes in Education System”, Organized by Dept. of IT, Rabindranath Thakur Mahavidyala”, Govt. of Tripura, India, 08/09/2020.
- Invited Speaker, “International Webinar on Application of ICT in Higher Education During COVID-19 Pandemic”, IGNOU Agartala and Govt. Degree College Kamalpur India, Date-02/09/2020.
- B Bhuyan, S Debnath, A K Saha, and L D Singh, “A SIGNCRYPTION BASED OUTSOURCED DATA ACCESS CONTROL (SBODAC) SYSTEM”. German Patent No: 202024101365, Publication No: DE202024101365U1, Date of Publication: 08/05/2024, Patent file date: 19/03/2024.
- Organizing chair, 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computing Systems and Applications (ICICSA-2023), Sept 22-23, 2023.
- Publicity Chair, 3rd International Conference on Modeling, Simulations and Optimizations (CoMSO 2022), 21-23 Dec 2022, NIT Silchar. URL:
- Co-coordinator, FDPs on PM`s GatiShakti Thrust Areas on “Digital Supply Chain”, from 10/10/2022 to 21/10/2022, Fund: 3Lakhs.
- Publication chair, International Conference on Intelligent Computing Systems and Applications (ICICSA-2022), Sept 23-24, 2022.
- Convenor, “Two days Workshop on Researches on Embedded System and Security”, 13-14 Dec 2021, Organized by: Inter-Subsection Relations of IEEE Silchar Subsection, NIT Silchar
- Finance Chair, International Conference on “Big Data, Machine Learning and Applications (BigDML 2021)”, 19-20 Dec. NIT Silchar, Url
- Publicity Chair, 2nd International Conference on Modeling, Simulations and Optimizations (CoMSO 2021), 16-18 Dec 2021, NIT Silchar. URL:
- Poster and Workshop Chair, Frontiers of Research in Speech and Music (FRSM 2020), 8-9th October 2020, Conference, NIT Silchar, Url:
- Member, International Conference on Modeling, Simulations and Optimizations (CoMSO 2020), 3-5 August 2020, NIT Silchar. URL:
- Publicity Chair, 26th annual International Conference on “Advanced Computing and Communications (ADCOM 2020)”, 26-28 August 2020, Url:
- Finance and Hospitality Chair, International Conference on “Big Data, Machine Learning and Applications (BigDML 2019)”, 16-19th December, NIT Silchar, Url
- Arnab Roy(19-3-5-106), Full-time Ph.D., NIT Silchar, 2019-Ongoing, Thesis Submitted.
- Joseph L Pachuau(19-3-5-105), Full-time Ph.D., NIT Silchar, 2019-Ongoing, Synopsis done.
- N BrajaBidhu Singh (21302052), Full-time PhD, NIT Silchar, 2021-Ongoing, Registration Done.
- Gopal Krishna(20-3-05-118), Part-time Ph.D., NIT Silchar, 2020-Ongoing, Registration Done.
- Arpan, Anguka, M.Tech(CSE), NIT Silchar, 2024-ongoing.
- add btech students 2024
- Rohit Kumar Singh (2222107), “Feature Extraction of Hand Gesture Using Wavelets”, Dept. of CSE, M.Tech AI, 2024.
- Title: “Enhancing the Performance of Mean Photon Number of Gaussian Boson Sampling”, Bhaben Khakhlari (PG 2122210), Dept. of CSE, NIT Silchar, 2023
- Title: “Study and exploration of flow rule aggregation and creation scheme for avoiding overflow in SDN”, K Anand Kr Singh (1825109), Dept. of CSE, NIT Silchar, 2020.
- Title: “Energy efficient optimization approach in WSN using multicast forwarding scheme in 6LowPAN environment”, Dept. of CSE, NIT Arunachal Pradesh, 2018.
- Title: “Principles Of Segment Routing And SDN Applications”, Dept. of CSE, NIT Arunachal Pradesh, 2017.
- D Gupta (2012146), VK Vikrant (2012135), A Raj (2012125), “Design and development of digital logic gates using quantum dot cellular automata”, CSE-2024.
- PC Roy (2012167), AD Emon (2012168), SI Shuvo (2012163), “Advanced Image Denoising through Combined Directional Wavelet based NLM and BM3D technique”, CSE -2024.
- S Chowdhury(1912002), D Mahamood(1912061), P Laskar(1912081), Y Maharia(1912086), “Low Contrast Image Optimization using Genetic Algorithm”, NIT Silchar, CSE-2023.
- S P Sarmah (1912115), T Sarma(1912171), H K agarwal(1912175), Title: “An Empirical Comparison of Meta-heuristic Algorithms for Query Optimization in RDBMS: A Cuckoo Search and Tabu Search Approach”, NIT Silchar, CSE 2023.
- Title: “Estimation of Composite Signal using Genetic Algorithm”, NIT Silchar, CSE, 2022.
- Title: “Estimation of PID coefficients using Genetic Algorithm”, NIT Silchar, CSE, 2022.
- Title: “Study of various Quantum Algorithms and its possible implementation”, NIT Silchar, CSE, 2021.
- Title: “Study Of Qubit, Superposition, Entanglement And Other Terms In Quantum Computation And Implementation Of Quantum Circuit Simulator”, NIT Silchar, CSE, 2020.
- Title: “Lossless and Lossy Data Compression Techniques”, NIT Arunachal Pradesh, Dept. of CSE, 2018.
- Title: “Quantum Simulation & Quantum Circuit Design”, NIT Arunachal Pradesh, Dept. of CSE, 2017.
- Title: “Operations Research Management: An Optimization Techniques Simulator”, NIT Arunachal Pradesh, Dept. of CSE, 2016.
- Title: “Packet forwarding techniques & study of OpenFlow in SDN”, NIT Arunachal Pradesh, Dept. of CSE, 2015.
- Title: “Design and implementation of face recognition in E Attendance”, Dept. of CSE, NIT Arunachal Pradesh, 2014
- Title: “Design and implementation of offline handwriting recognition system”, Dept. of CSE, NIT Arunachal Pradesh, 2014.
- Information Theory and Coding-CS 1433 UG 7th Sem. Jul-Dec 2020, CS 1538 Ph.D. Year- Jul-Dec 2020, CS 5138 PG CSE Jul-Dec 2021, CS444 (UG 8th Sem Jan-May 2023), CS444 (UG 8th Sem Jan-May 2024).
- Quantum Computing – UG 8th Semester(CS-1458), PG 2nd Semester(CS-1543), Ph.D., Year- Jan-Jun 2019, Jan-Jun 2021, CS 5143(PG 2nd Sem. Jan-May 2023).
- Signals & Data Communication (CS1205, CS-207), B.Tech, 4th Semester, CSE, Year- Jan-Jun 2019, Jan-Jun 2020, Jan-Jun 2022.
- Microprocessor & System Processing (CS1303), B.Tech, 5th Semester, CSE, Year- Jul-Dec 2018, Jul-Dec 2019.
- Introduction to Programming (CS-1101), UG 1st Sem. CSE, Year-Jul-Dec 2018.
- Optimization Techniques: CS 5242-M.Tech(AI) Year-Jul-Dec’21, Jul-Dec’22, M.Tech(AI) Jul-Dec’23, M.Tech in DSE CS-5503 Jan-May’24, M.Tech (AI) CS5242 Jul-Dec’24
- Database management system, CS302 UG Jul-Dec’22, CS305 Jul-Dec’24.
- Session chair, International Conference on Intelligent Computing Systems and Applications (ICICSA-2023),, Sept 22-23, 2023.
- Session chair, International Conference on Intelligent Computing Systems and Applications (ICICSA-2022),, Sept 23-24, 2022.
- Session Chair, “1st International Conference on Machine Intelligence and System Sciences (MISS-2021)”, Tongmyong University, South Korea and Techno India, Agartala, 01-11-2021 and 02-11-2021.
- Session Chair, “The International Conference on Machine Intelligence and Signal Processing (MISP 2021)”, National Institute of Technology, Arunachal Pradesh, Date: 23-25 Sept. 2021
- Session Chair, “2nd International Conference on Computer Vision, High Performance Computing, Smart Devices and Networks(CHSN-2021)”, JNTU Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, Date: 20-21 Aug. 2021.
- Session Co-chair, “International Symposium on “Frontiers of Research in Speech and Music (FRSM-2020)”, NIT Silchar, Url:, Date: 08-09 Oct. 2020.
- Session Chair, “26th (Virtual) annual International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications (ADCOM 2020)”, Dept. of CSE, NIT Silchar, Date: 16-18 Dec. 2020.
- Session Co-chairs, “International Conference on Modeling, Simulations and Optimizations (CoMSO 2020)”, Date: 3-5 Aug. 2020, NIT Silchar.
- Faculty advisor, Jan-May 2024 6th sem, July-Dec 2023 5th Sem. B.Tech, July-Dec 2022 3rd sem B.Tech, Jan-Jun 2020 6th Semester B.Tech CSE.
- Institute Annual Report Committee member, 2022-23.
- DUPC ECE, External member, 2024-26.
- DPC member. Oct’2023-Oct’2025
- Lab In-Charge, CS-08 CSE, Date: 01-12-2021- Till date
- DPC, Member Secretary, Sept’2021-Sept’2023.
- DPPC member, Sept’2021-Sept’2023.
- Departmental Library Incharge, 23-08-2021-Till Date
- Member, Course Evaluation Forms, CSE, from 03.05.2019 to Till date.
- Dept. Representative of Annual Report Committee: 2019, 2020, 2023
- Dept. NBA Committee member 2019, 2020.
Journals- Wireless personal communications (2023,2021) Physical Communications, CSI Transactions on ICT, ISSN: 2277-9078
- Conferences-ISCON-2021 (AS TPC), ICCISIoT -2020 (as TPC)., SOCCER-2020, COMSO-2020, FRSM 2020, ISMS-2019 Tripura university, ICCISIoT-2019 NIT Agartala, December 13–14, 2019 (as TPC) BigDML-2019
- Indian Science Congress, Membership no: L22066.
- Computer Society of India, Type: Associate, Membership ID: I1503683.
- IEEE Membership (Electronic), Membership number: 92578485.
- The Institution of Engineers (India), Membership No: M-1691125
- NEC Merit Scholarship: Periods 2004-2008
- Gate qualified.
- TBJEE2004, PCM 69(UR), PCB 76(UR)
- Best paper at the conference: ICIC-Aptikom 2022
- Abroad visited: Indonesia (ICIC-Aptikom 2022, Bali), Thailand (TENCON-2023, Chiang Mai), Singapore (TENCON-2024).
- Home Town: Agartala, Tripura
- Schooling: Netaji Subhas Vidyaniketan, Higher Secondary Govt. School of Tripura, Agartala-799001.
- Father: Late Ashim Kumar Saha, Mother: Mrs. Putul Saha, Wife: Mrs. Srirupa Poddar.
- My Teachers: Sri Amitabha Saha, Prof. C T Bhunia, Dr. Biswajit Saha
(ad patt, ppr, subj)