Computational Geometry

Computational Geometry

Computational geometry is a branch of computer science devoted to the study of algorithms which can be stated in terms of geometry. Some purely geometrical problems arise out of the study of computational geometric algorithms, and such problems are also considered to be part of computational geometry. While modern computational geometry is a recent development, it is one of the oldest fields of computing with a history stretching back to antiquity.[Source]

Faculty Members:


[1] P. Bhowmick and S. Pal, Fast Circular Arc Segmentation Based on Approximate Circularity and Cuboid Graph, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 98-122, 2014.

[2] S. Pal and P. Bhowmick, Determining Digital Circularity Using Integer Intervals, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 124, 2012.

[3] S. Pal, R. Dutta, and P. Bhowmick Circular Arc Segmentation by Curvature Estimation and Geometric Validation, DOI:10.1142/S0219467812500246, International Journal of Image and Graphics, Vol. 12, No. 4, 2012.

[4] S. Pal and P. Bhowmick, Cubic Approximation of Curve-shaped Objects in Z2: A Generalized Approach Based on Discrete Curvature, Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 407427, 2010.

[5] S. Pal, P. Bhowmick, A. Biswas, and B. B. Bhattacharya, Understanding Digital Documents Using Gestalt Properties of Isothetic Components, International Journal of Digital Library Systems, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 126, 2010.

[6] D. Saha, N. Das, and S. Pal, A Digital-Geometric Approach for Computing Area Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks, 10th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technologies (ICDCIT2014) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Vol. 8337, pp 134-145, 2014.

[7] S. Pal, P. Bhowmick, and A. Biswas, FACET: A Fast Approximate Circularity Estimation Technique, Proc. 2nd International Conference on Emerging Applications of Information Technology (EAIT2011), Kolkata, IEEE CS Press, pp. 106109, 2011.

[8] S. Pal, and P. Bhowmick, Faster Circularity Estimation by Randomization, Proc. Students’ Technology Symposium (TechSym2011), Kharagpur, IEEE CS Press, pp. 160165, 2011.

[9] S. Pal, P. Bhowmick, A. Biswas, and B. B. Bhattacharya, GOAL: Towards understanding of Graphic Objects from Architectural to Line drawings, 8th Intl. Workshop on Graphics Recognition (GREC 2009), La Rochelle, France, LNCS, Springer, Vol. 6020, pp. 8192, 2010.

[10] S. Pratihar, S. Pal, P. Bhowmick, A. Biswas, and B. B. Bhattacharya, Recognition of Handdrawn Graphs Using Digital-geometric Techniques, 12th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR), Kolkata, IEEE CS Press, pp. 8994, 2010.

[11] S. Pal and P. Bhowmick, Estimation of Discrete Curvature Based on Chain-Code Pairing and Digital Straightness, Proc. 2009 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, (ICIP), Cairo, Egypt, pp. 10971100, 2009.

[12] Amit Kumar Trivedi, Dalton Meitei Thounaojam, Shyamosree Pal, A Novel Minutiae Triangulation Technique for Non-invertible Fingerprint Template Generation, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 186, 2021, 115832, ISSN 0957-4174,

[13] Dhar, Soumi and Pal, Shyamosree, Surface Reconstruction: Roles in the Field of Computer Vision and Computer Graphics, International Journal of Image and Graphics, pages 2250008, doi:10.1142/S0219467822500085.

[14] Surajkanta, Y., Pal, S. A Digital Geometry-Based Fingerprint Matching Technique. Arab J Sci Eng 46, 4073–4086 (2021).

[15] Surajkanta, Yumnam and Pal, Shyamosree, Recognition of Isothetic Arc Using Number Theoretic Properties, International Journal of Image and Graphics, volume 20(02), pages 2050011, 2020, doi: 10.1142/S0219467820500114.

[16] Amit Kumar Trivedi, Dalton Meitei Thounaojam, Shyamosree Pal, Non-Invertible cancellable fingerprint template for fingerprint biometric, Computers & Security, Volume 90, 2020, 101690, ISSN 0167-4048,

[17] Surajkanta, Yumnam, and Shyamosree Pal. “Convergent Tangent Estimator for Discrete Objects Based on Isothetic Covers.” Journal of Computer Science, vol. 16, no. 4, Apr. 2020, pp. 467–78. (Crossref),

[18] Trivedi, Amit Kumar, et al. “A Robust and Non-Invertible Fingerprint Template for Fingerprint Matching System.” Forensic Science International, vol. 288, July 2018, pp. 256–65. (Crossref),



